
Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I am so upset with Parker lately that it has actually taken me a day or two to cool down enough to post this. On Sunday we drove to Moab to Lindsay's Boyfriend's Mission farewell. He gave an awesome talk. Or what we could hear of it. Payton choose this time to be a big whiner, and to make rude noises. On the way to Moab Parker started a new way to annoy me, (so not hard for him.) He would ask a question like: "How long are we going to live in Grand Junction?" and I would reply "I don't know?" Then not a full minute later he would ask: "How many months do you think we will live in G. J.?" my reply "I don't know?" Then again he would ask a similar question. I finally yelled at him and told him to knock it off. I swear that kid loves to push my buttons. I think he and Payton both love the yelling screaming Mom, better than the fun Mom that likes to play with them. Anyway after church we went to Sue & Danny's house for dinner, when it was time to go Parker started to cry, not because he would miss Carson, but because he wanted to play video games. Okay he is almost 6 yrs. old when does the bawling stop? Then we went to Grandma and Papa's house to play games for a little before we went home. Parker went into Papa's room to watch cartoons. We were sitting in the kitchen playing and we heard a clunk in the bathroom, there wasn't any sound after that so we just kept on playing. A few minutes later my Mom smelled smoke. She went into the bathroom, and Parker came running in from Papa's room, and made a squealing noise like What have you done Grandma. I guess Parker had gone to the bathroom and there was a candle burning, he blew out the candle, and then wanted to lite it again, lit a match and then accidentally dropped it on the floor catching the carpet on fire. He tried to blow it out, which just made the flames bigger, then he picked up the burning match and dropped it in the plastic trash can. Then he left the bathroom, not bothering to tell anyone that he had caught the carpet on fire, or that he had just dropped a burning match into a trash can. When my Mom went into the bathroom she yelled at Parker, and told her that he didn't do it. Stood right there and lied to her face. I believe that I was in shock and sat at the kitchen table during most of this. I finally did get up and put Parker in time out. I am so mad, frustrated, sad, and scared. I am still in shock that he could have burned down my parents house. I am so sad that instead of coming and telling us he choose to ignore the problem, and even sadder that when confronted he choose to lie to his Grandma. We had a long talk on the way home, Parker is grounded from watching TV for a month, and he is doing all sorts of chores to earn quarters to put in a jar to pay for new carpet and a new trash can. I don't know if it did any good or not but I sure do love not having the TV all the time. Okay so this was enough of a vent for today, if you made it through this scrambled post congratulations.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hang in there, Jeremy was a wild child growing up too, and look how nicely he turned out:) I'm praying it is just a boy thing and that they grow out of it. Ethan hasn't started any fires lately, but he did rip ALL of the pages out of three encyclopedias in the school library. He is now banned from the library for the rest of the year, and he is working to earn quarters to pay for the books. Yeah, someday it will get better...really...I believe it...I do.